Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hike #2 - Ebey Landing (Whidbey)

Hike #2 was planned for Ebey Landing on Whidbey Island. Of course, we discovered there are two lighthouses on the way, so we stopped for those first. We ended up spending the whole day at Fort Casey, arriving at Ebey Landing at 5pm. Hide tide, not much beach to walk on but we headed down about a mile and found a nice spot to play in the water. Only passed a few people (who were wisely heading back to the parking lot)! We saw three huge cruise ships heading out to sea as the clouds moved in and hung low. We made it back to the car before 8pm, all of us wilted and worn out. It worked really well to put our sunscreen on before we left in the morning and it lasted all day.

Ebey wasn't what I had pictured in my mind. I saw a small bluff with a parking lot and restroom and hot dog stand. When we arrived there was a tiny parking lot almost on the beach. The bluff was very vertical getting to the top to take our walk. The bluff looked enormous from the parking lot and it was WAY TOO much for us. Our hikes range about 2 miles round trip and about 250' elevation gain-for now. And though our guide book said it was less, it seemed much more. The beach was simply fantastic, reminding me of childhood summer vacations on Lopez Island near Spencer Spit. And I even found a few cloudy, white agates! Oh how I wished I still had my agate collection from years ago. Don't find those beauties anymore.

We've also noticed a gun theme (oh joy) we've decided to make it a tradition. It isn't a family outing unless someone finds a good gun!


  1. OOOH, I love it there! The clouds and the wildflowers are so pretty. I believe we (the Polings) went to Ebey's Landing while we were camping at Ft. Ebey (which is not far away from there). We forgot sunscreen on the camping trip and we all got very burnt from spending the entire day in the sun at the beach. Phillip built a driftwood hut and hung a "for Rent" sign on the lintel written with charcoal. :-P Ft. Ebey is much smaller than Ft. Casey, but the batteries are still really cool. The sunsets from the bluff facing the ocean are the best part of camping there, and there are some pretty good non-challenging hiking spots too. Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!

  2. P.S. There is a Bluff trail near there (I don't know if it is connected to the one you were wanting to go on) that starts at the Ft. Ebey Parking lot. The parking lot is already at the top of the bluff and you basically just walk across the top of the bluff.. not up to the top and then back down. The beach is reeeeaaaallly far down the cliff from there and the view is wonderful. :-)

  3. @Rachel PolingI'm just now figuring out how to reply to your comment, Rachel! It sounds like you all really experienced the best and most of Fort Ebey! The bluff was too much for us so we did the beach and had such a great time!


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