Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lighthouse #1 & #2 - Bush Point & Admiralty (Whidbey)

Now I see why the Bush Point Lighthouse is not on every list of Washington state lighthouses. It is more of a "beacon". Nestled in between residential homes in a charming beach side community, we took photos with the four of us. I told the kids to bring their two favorite stuffed animals to be in individual photos that they can use to make a lighthouse scrapbook of their own. This was a tiny bit anti-climactic after some reading about lighthouse history and promises of Fresnel lenses!

We then headed north to Fort Casey for Admiralty lighthouse. We were not disappointed! Not only is this lighthouse in superb condition, we got to go into the lantern area (free)! Of course, the gift shop drew us in and we came home with a poster of coastal lighthouses for the dining room. I found numbered map pins which will be so fun to document our lighthouse journeys!

We stayed at Fort Casey and walked the entire bluff and explored what seemed like ALL of the bunkers. We watched the Port Townsend ferry boat shuttle back and forth across the sound as we hopped on the guns and ladders.  I would have to say the bathroom near the bunkers was really impressive! Brand new and really clean, don't we love that, girls? A gorgeous cool, sunny day. Just perfect for our outing.

I decided to take a picture of my feet on each's feet are featured on the steps of the bunkers at Fort Casey. :)


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